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#synopsys| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

GNU Readline Interface

synopsys_shell is built around the standard GNU Readline interface. By default, emacs key bindings are in effect for command line editing, use of the arrow (up/down) keys will cycle through the command history, and history substitution is available via Readline's history interface. See the Builtin Commands section for a discussion of Readline history versus Tcl and Dcsh history capability.

One non-default key binding is installed automatically by synopsys_shell: Control-T is bound to toggle between regular command mode (the initial mode) and perl evaluation mode. This binding and any others can be modified via the user's ~/.inputrc file. The name synopsys can be used in the ~/.inputrc to create bindings that would only be in effect for synopsys_shell. Here is what my ~/.inputrc looks like:

$if synopsys set bell-style none $endif

The readline command toggle-perl-mode can be used to switch back and forth between Shell and Perl mode. To change toggle-perl-mode from Control-T to Control-P and to revert Control-T back to its default setting add the following to your ~/.inputrc:

C-t: transpose-chars C-p: toggle-perl-mode

See the GNU Readline documentation for a full explanation of supported key bindings and macros.

The GNU Readline also provides enhanced history capability. The arrow (up/down) keys can be used to cycle forward and backward through the history list. GNU Readline history defines many types of history substitution using the bang (!) notation. The user is directed to the GNU Readline history documentation for details.






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